Sunday, September 22, 2013

August 31, 1971 Missouri State Land Survey Authority Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting
August 31, 1971

     The meeting of the Missouri State Land Survey Authority was called to order by Chairman Kennedy at 9:30 a.m., August 31, 1971, at the Land Survey Building, Rolla, Missouri, with other Authority members James Anderson, Richard Barr, and Willard Eckhardt also present.  Also present were Wallace Howe, Assistant State Geologist and State Geologist designate, and Robert Myers, State Land Surveyor.

     The minutes of the August 2, 1971 meeting were reviewed and approved with no changes.

     The Opinion from the Attorney General concerning RSMo Section 60.460 State Coordinate System was reviewed and discussed.  The Land Survey Authority was not a duly authorized State agency to vary the one-half mile limit, according to this opinion.

     Mr. Myers presented drafts of two amendments to the State Coordinate Statute to make the Authority the authorized agency and to give the Authority the power to set standards for first and second order surveys.  Minor changes were recommended and made.  Mr. Eckhardt suggested the two amendments be combined into one bill.  It was agreed that Representative Smallwood be asked to sponsor this amendment in the General Assembly.

     Mr. Myers requested permission to develop the standards for the modification of the one-half mile limitation in anticipation of the authority to do so.  The Authority agreed to the extent that when this information is disseminated it is stated that it is on a provisional basis.

     Copies of the University of Missouri-Rolla--Missouri State Land Survey Authority agreement were reviewed by the Authority members.  The agreement as now written was discussed and approved for signature and submitted to the University of Missouri for their signature.

     Trial balance sheets for August expenditures were reviewed and discussed.

     An application for position of Chief Survey Section was presented.  Robert Myers recommended that a position in field survey section be filled.  Authority members hoped there might be several qualified applicants.  Subject to clarification at State budget and personnel levels, the position probably will be that of "Surveyor" rather than "Chief of Survey Operations."

     It was agreed that regular Authority meetings will be held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in Rolla.  If a meeting cannot be held on the regular scheduled day, it will be held on the Friday immediately following.  The Chairman may cancel meetings if not needed, and change the regular dates if necessary.

     Preliminary copies of the 1972-73 budget were distributed to Authority members for study.  The budget will be discussed further at the next meeting.

     Mr. Barr gave a brief report on the meeting with the Missouri Recorders Association and MARLS Legislative committee at Columbia, attended also by Mr. Eckhardt.

     Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.


Revision of State Coordinate Statute

To repeal Section 60.440(4) RSMo. 1969 relating to standards for first-order and second-order work, and to enact in lieu thereof a new section relating to the same subject to be known as section 60.440(4).
    (4)  The position of the Missouri coordinate system shall be as marked on the ground by triangulation or traverse stations established in conformity with the standards adopted by the (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey) STATE LAND SURVEY AUTHORITY for first-order and second-order work, whose geodetic positions have been rigidly adjusted on the North American datum of 1927, and whose coordinates have been computed on the system herein defined.  Any such station may be used for establishing a survey connection with the Missouri coordinate system.

Explanation--Matter enclosed in parenthesis (thus) in this section is not enacted and is intended to be omitted in the law.

Transcribed by Steven E. Weible