Minutes of Meeting
March 23, 1972
A meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was held March 23, 1972. Chairman Daniel Kennedy called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Present besides Chairman Kennedy were Willard Eckhardt, James Anderson and Richard Barr, authority members; Larry Fellows, assistant state geologist; and Robert Myers, State Land Surveyor.
The minutes of the February 24th meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
Mr. Myers reported that no further word had been received on the 1972-73 budget request, but confirmation of the $2300 Emergency request had been received.
The following requests for fourth quarter expenditures were presented by Mr. Myers for approval:
Personal Services $18,876 Approved
Additions 2,986 Approved
Repair & Replacement 2,900 Approved
A)Renovate Room G-4
B)Repair Roof
Either/or, subject to Capital Improvement request
Operations 33,495 Approved
It was agreed that Mr. Myers review the SLSA-UMR building agreement with University of Missouri-Rolla officials in regard to parking of vehicles, erection of parking signs, and maintenance as agreed to in the contract.
It was agreed that repair to the area occupied by the Land Survey Authority should be given priority.
The Authority members met in executive session from 10:30 - 11:00.
Mr. Myers presented the following proposals for discussion and action.
1. Missouri State Coordinate Manual. It was agreed that Mr. Myers proceed with final type of this manual for approval at the next Authority meeting.
2. Cooperative Corner Restoration program. This program was approved for initiation as early as possible.
3. State Coordinate System in Kansas City area. It was approved that Mr. Myers explore and review this project further and present a definite proposal to the Authority.
4. Springfield Coordinate Program. Action on this was postponed until the next meeting.
5. McDonnell Douglas Automation Company, and University of Missouri at Rolla Computer Center, general service agreement. Approval was given for Mr. Myers to enter into an agreement for possible use of available services and particularly for use of ICES COGO I Program.
Mr. Barr stated that St. Louis Chapter of MARLS had invited Mr. Norman Brown to speak at their April meeting, and Mr. Myers the May meeting.
Mr. Kennedy stated that in the future it would be the recommended policy of the State Land Survey Authority, that Authority members and personnel would be discouraged from holding office in the Missouri Association of Registered Land Surveyors; persons already holding office and subsequently employed by, or appointed to the Authority Board, will be encouraged to resign from that office.
Mr. Willard Eckhardt informed the Authority that he had received reappointment to the Authority for another term.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
Transcribed by Steven E. Weible