Minutes of Meeting
April 26, 1972
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was called to order at 9:10 a.m., April 26, at the Land Survey Building, by Mr. Daniel Kennedy, Chairman. Also present were James Anderson and Willard Eckhardt, Authority members; Larry Fellows, Assistant State Geologist; and Robert Myers, State Land Surveyor.
The minutes of the April 12th meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
Mr. Myers reported the final 1972-73 Fiscal Year appropriation was as follows:
Personal Services $69,825
Equipment Purchase and Repair & Replacement 20,000
Operations 51,000
Total ...... $140,825
Capital Improvements $25,000
Mr. Myers stated that Repair & Replacement requests for the remainder of FY 71-72 will be deferred until after he meets with Mr. John Paulus, Office of Planning and Construction.
It was agreed that the next Authority meeting will be held on the evening of May 8th and continued on May 9th, at Rolla. This meeting will pertain largely to planning of programs for FY 72-73 as dictated by the appropriation received.
A letter from Mr. Don Busch, City Manager of the city of Springfield, stating Springfield's interest in establishing land coordinates in Springfield was presented to Authority members. Mr. Myers stated that an addendum had been added to the National Geodetic Survey agreement stating the maximum State Land Survey Authority expenditure could not exceed $2,000. The agreement was returned to NGS and no further word has been received at this time.
Mr. Anderson requested permission to release information on NGS-SLSA agreement to the Springfield press after it has been finalized. Agreed.
A copy of the proposed "Newsletter" was reviewed. Suggestions offered by Authority members will be applied.
Mr. Myers distributed copies of the new General Contract that had been prepared. He requested that Authority members review the contract and return it to him with their comments and suggestions as early as possible. Mr. Myers will then request approval of the contract from Mr. Louren Wood, Assistant Attorney General.
Mr. Myers presented a proposal for a pilot project to be initiated in the vicinity of Pattonsburg, in a part of Township 60 North, Range 28 West (including 22 sections of fractional sections north and west of the Grand River) at a total cost of $11,650. The project included the following phases:
Phase I:
Take field measurements to tie existing corners
and approximate corner positions. 100 hours $3,250
Phase II:
Compute township to determine corner positions. $2,000
Phase III:
Set 56 corners. This would include field evalu-
ation of computed position before monument is
placed. In some cases new evidence will cause
readjustment of computation. $6,400
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Dr. Fellows that the proposed Pattonsburg project (T. 60 N., R. 28 W.), including Phase I, II, and III be approved for $11,650 for budgeting purposes. Motion did not carry.
It was agreed that the proposed Pattonsburg project be approved in total, not to exceed $14,000, with the following stipulation: During Phase III, no monuments will be set until further approval by the State Land Survey Authority. Mr. Myers contended that the above stipulation would increase the cost of this project. Therefore to allow for this, the budget planning figure was increased from $11,650 to $14,000 as stated above.
Mr. Willard Eckhardt requested the minutes show the following statement: "Mr. Eckhardt voted no because he is opposed in principle to the Survey Authority monumenting lost corners on the basis of computations (with perhaps some adjustments) where there is no sufficient evidence of the actual location of original corners; he believes this may foster boundary disputes between adjoining landowners that otherwise might not arise, and may not be in accordance with statutory authority for the establishment of lost corners."
Mr. Myers presented the following changes in fourth quarter Additions and Operations requests:
Griphoist puller and cable $250
Illuminated traverse equipment 450
Base map construction 225
Pattonsburg 11,650
Mr. Anderson made a motion that the above requests be approved as presented, with the exception of $14,000 rather than $11,650 for Pattonsburg, as previously approved. Seconded by Mr. Eckhardt. Motion carried.
A letter from Mr. Peter Ruger, Assistant Attorney General, requesting the State Land Survey Authority to verify mathematical computations pertaining to the legal description of the boundary proposed by the Nebraska-Missouri boundary settlement compact was presented to the Authority. Request was approved.
Meeting adjourned at 3:45
Transcribed by Steven E. Weible
Transcribed by Steven E. Weible