Minutes of Meeting
May 31, 1972
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Land Survey Building by Chairman Daniel Kennedy. Present besides Mr. Kennedy were James Anderson, Richard Barr, Willard Eckhardt, Larry Fellows and Robert Myers.
The minutes of the May 8-9 meeting were reviewed and minor corrections made, Minutes approved.
The Trial Balance sheet for the month of May was reviewed.
Authority members requested that Mr. Jacobs, Chief, Administrative Services, prepare a summary of University of Missouri-Rolla and State Land Survey Authority expenditures for maintenance and repair on the Land Survey building and grounds in order that a review of contract obligations can be made. It was agreed that Chancellor Baker and Mr. Wollard be invited to attend an Authority meeting on June 14 or 15 if possible. If it is impossible for them to attend a meeting on either of these dates, no meeting will be held during the month of June.
The following Attorney General Opinions were reviewed by the Authority:
Opinion No. 96 - County Surveyor. No action.
Opinion No. 97 - Secretary of State's Records. It was agreed that the State Land Survey Authority should make concrete plans to obtain these records as soon as possible.
Opinion No. 98 - Copies of Records. No action.
Opinion No. 396 - Coordinate System. Mr. Myers reported he had reviewed this opinion with Mr. Burns, Assistant Attorney General. Although Mr. Burns agreed with the opinion as handed down, he agreed to return the request to Mr. Klaffenbach, the man that prepared the opinion, for possible reconsideration.
Opinion No. 92 - Land Surveys-Geodetic Survey. It was agreed that this opinion be modified to request the definition of "land surveys" only.
The Standard Contract Form as revised to date was reviewed.
Mr. Myers reported that a contract had been finalized with Crowley, Wade, and Milstead to perform surveys in a part of Township 60 North, Range 28 West, Daviess County. The maximum amount of this contract is $13,500 and work was started on May 30th.
Mr. Myers reported that the Springfield reconnaissance work by the National Geodetic Survey is near completion.
It was agreed that Mr. Myers should write a letter to Mr. Robert Hunter, Missouri Highway Department, to obtain a policy ruling on possible placing of monuments on the highway right-of-way.
Mr. Myers stated that two students from University of Missouri-Rolla had started work for the State Land Survey Authority on May 30th under the Student Financial Aid program.
Mr. Myers reported that the man working on the computer program at the University had gone on vacation and that project was at a standstill until he returned.
Meeting adjourned for lunch.
Mr. Myers reported that no requests had been received to participate in the Coop Corner Restoration Program except for the Forest Service. Authority members authorized Mr. Myers to enter into an agreement with the Forest Service to monument 12 points. It is preferred that these points be monumented with State Land Survey markers.
Mr. Kennedy reported that he and Mr. Myers had met with U.S.G.S. personnel in regard to receiving coordinate values of targeted corners from aerial photography. At the present time, U.S.G.S. photography would not give the necessary accuracy standards required by the State Land Survey Authority.
Expenditure of remaining funds in Operations and Additions were discussed.
The program plan for Fiscal Year 1972-73 was reviewed and tentative program allocations were listed as follows:
Records Repository Program $12,000
State Coordinate Program 4,000
Land Corner Restoration Program 17,000
Transcribed by Steven E. Weible