April 16, 1973
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was called to order at 9:00 a.m., April 16th, 1973 by Chairman Daniel Kennedy, at the Land Survey Authority Building, Rolla, Missouri. Present besides Mr. Kennedy were Messrs. Richard Barr, Willard Eckhardt, Larry Fellows and Robert Myers. Mr. James Anderson joined the group at 11:30 a.m.
Minutes of the March 8, 1973 meeting were reviewed. Minor changes were suggested. Minutes approved as corrected.
Minutes of the March 24, 1973 Executive Meeting were reviewed and approved.
Discussion of Authority member per diem and out-of-state travel was deferred until later in the meeting when all members could be present.
Revision of specific sections of the SLSA Rules and Regulations were approved as per the attached sheets.
Revision of Section 16.120, subparagraph (a) will be drafted by Mr. Eckhardt and presented for approval at the May meeting.
Out-of-state travel for SLSA personnel was approved according to revised Rules and Regulations, section 12.050 (copy attached).
A paper entitled, "The United States Public Land Survey Within Missouri -And Its Preserver- The State Land Survey Authority", written by Dr. C. V. Mann, Rolla was reviewed by Authority members. It was agreed that Mr. Myers write a letter of appreciation to Dr. Mann on behalf of the SLSA.
Adjourned for lunch.
Mr. Anderson was present at the meeting at this time. Authority member per diem and out-of-state travel was discussed. It was agreed that increased funds should be allowed in the 1974-75 budget for per diem payments. No additional regulations were made on Authority member out-of-state travel.
Mr. Myers stated that three bids had been received for removal of four trees on the SLSA grounds. Mr. Anderson made a motion that the trees be removed before planting new trees. Seconded by Mr. Barr. Motion carried.
As requested by Authority members at the March 8th meeting, Mr. Myers and Mr. Jacobs presented more detailed plans for expansion in the present SLSA facility. Mr. Jacobs presented diagrams and cost estimates for this expansion and also for a new building on a proposed site now the property of the University of Missouri--Rolla.
Authority members agreed that the SLSA should take necessary steps in an attempt to obtain resources to maintain the present facility and make needed improvement for expansion and for construction of a separate vault at the present site. Mr. Myers will write a letter to Mr. Robert James, Assistant to the Governor, inviting him to attend the SLSA meeting on May 24th or 25th in order to acquaint Mr. James with the long-range program of the SLSA.
The March trial balance sheet was received and noted.
HCSHB #419 and SCSB #77 were reviewed.
Mr. Myers reported a total of $2425 had been received from the Supplemental request. Of this amount $1425 was appropriated to Personal Services and $1000 to Operations.
Mr. Myers reported the House Committee's recommendation for 1973-74 budget as follows:
Personal Services $129,245
Equipment Purchase & Repair 70,000
Operations 100,000
Total........... $299,245
The following changes were approved in the text of the "Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys" before publishing:
Section 10.050, subparagraph (3), line 1, change 0.125 inches to 0.080 inches.
Section 10.050, subparagraph (12), delete in its entirety.
Section 10.060, line 2, delete word "minimum".
Section 10.080, Table, Resources Development Area, Part C, change 1:10,000 to 1:5,000.
Mr. Myers reported he had been contacted concerning participation of SLSA personnel in a tentative training program for surveying registration applicants. This program is to be sponsored by St. Louis Section MARLS and UMR Extension Division. Authority members approved participation of SLSA personnel in this program on their own time and to receive compensation for this participation.
The following projects were suggested for expenditure of funds during the fourth quarter:
1. Smithville project.
2. Control work in Kansas City, Liberty or Independence areas.
3. Springfield coordinate work.
4. Contractural work to run a series of traverse lines in the State for use in obtaining coordinate values.
5. Completion of Pattonsburg project.
6. Verification of old surveys from Dept. of Interior-Geological Survey traverse books.
7.Increase in printing allowance.
Projects approved for expenditure of funds are as follows:
1. Completion of Pattonsburg project - estimate $3,000+.
2. Printing of Publications - estimate $2,500.
3. Liberty Coordinate System - estimate $4,000 or balance of funds available.
Mr. Myers reported that photography on the Iron Co. project has been completed. Mr. Brown will be working in the area with the geodimeter in the next few days.
May meeting is tentatively planned for May 24 and 25.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
[transcriber's note: items noted as being attached are not transcribed herein]
transcribed by Steven E. Weible