Monday, July 22, 2013

March 29, 1971 Missouri State Land Survey Authority Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting
State Land Survey Authority
March 29, 1971

     The regular meeting of the Authority, held at the Missouri Geological Survey building in Rolla, was called to order by Chairman Kennedy at 10:05 a.m., March 29, 1971.  Members present were:  Anderson, Barr, Eckhardt, and Hayes.  Also present were Planning Coordinator Arthur Jacobs and State Land Surveyor designate Robert E. Myers.

     The minutes of the March 11 meeting were approved as corrected, and minutes of the March 17 meeting were approved as read.

     Mr. Jacobs submitted a summary of actual and estimated expenditures to March 31, and estimated expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year.

     A tentative budget for the supplemental $20,000.00 funding and the need for additional funding to renovate part of the Patrol Academy, upon assignment of that building to the Authority, was discussed.

     The general policy of suggested estimated expenses and projected budgeting of the supplemental funding was approved by the Authority.

     A short discussion of a proposed "news letter", to contain explanations relating to the general need for the Authority and its actions and plans to date followed.  It was recommended by the Authority that this be limited to a two-page informal issue at an appropriate future date.

     Upon reconvening after lunch, Mr. Myers submitted a suggested "Standard Operating Procedure Plan."  The plan was discussed and modified, and given general approval by the Authority.

     As reported by Mr. Jacobs, the Office of Planning and Construction will assist in architectural and engineering planning for renovation of the Patrol Academy building basement for record storage and modification of existing walls on the first floor office area.

     Upon recommendation that the salary of Mrs. Reynolds be increased to $425 per month effective April 1, 1971;  Hayes so moved, seconded by Eckhardt, and motion carried unanimously.

     Upon conclusion of a discussion of the tentative agreement between the Authority and the University of Missouri-Rolla for their use of part of the Patrol Academy, it was moved by Anderson and seconded by Barr that:  The chairman be given the authority to enter into agreement with the University of Missouri-Rolla with any minor changes and clarifications as may be required by the Authority, UMR, and the Office of Planning and Construction under terms outlined in the tentative agreement letter of March 26, 1971, from Joe Wollard, Business Manager University of Missouri-Rolla.

     Motion approved unanimously.

     Next meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m., April 19, at the Missouri Geological Survey building, Rolla.

     Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

{signed} William C. Hayes
         Temporary Secretary

Transcribed by Steven E. Weible