Minutes of Meeting
November 28, 1972
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was called to order by Chairman Daniel Kennedy at 9:00 a.m., November 28th at the State Land Survey Building, Rolla. Present besides Mr. Kennedy were James Anderson, Richard Barr, Willard Eckhardt, Larry Fellows and Robert Myers.
The minutes of the October 20th meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
The following unfinished business from the October 20 meeting was reported on by Mr. Myers.
1) The line item in the SLSA budget authorizing receipt of monies from Federal, State or other sources will not be deleted. The necessary forms were obtained from Mr. Yarrington and will be completed and returned to him as soon as possible.
2) The additional measurements concerning T. 41 N., R. 16 W., Miller County, requested by the Authority, have not been completed at this time.
Mr. Myers reported the following on the status of SLSA budgetary requests. On November 15th, Mr. Myers met with Mr. Robert James, Mr. Mark Edelman, and Mr. Jerry Yarrington at Jefferson City. The 1972-73 Supplemental Request and the 1973-74 Budget Request were reviewed. During the meeting an effort was made to acquaint Mr. James and Mr. Edelman with the duties and functions of the SLSA.
A request for a listing of proposed Capital Improvements on a priority basis was received from Mr. Yarrington. Mr. Myers met with Mr. Yarrington at Jefferson City on November 27th and submitted the necessary information.
All bids for the 1972-73 Capital Improvements exceeded the amount of money available. Therefore the project will be divided into segments and rebid. The sum of money available will determine the amount of work that can be completed.
Mr. Myers presented the following items for discussion and action.
1. Funds for microfilming.
Microfilming of records from Howell, Douglas, Texas, Phelps, Pulaski, McDonald and Warren Counties has been completed. At this time all the money previously allocated for microfilming has been used. Mr. Myers requested that a sum of $640 be transferred to this program to enable microfilming of records of eight additional counties. Mr. Barr made a motion that $640 be transferred to the microfilming program. Seconded by Mr. Eckhardt. Motion carried.
2. Contract with John M. Flowers.
A contract for professional services with John M. Flowers was presented for approval. Dean Eckhardt suggested that sentences 2, 3 and 4 under the paragraph, Remuneration, be deleted and a sentence added stating that payment would be made from monthly invoices.
3. Iron County.
Mr. Myers presented a contract for search and evaluation work to be done in T. 31 N., R. 4 E., Iron County. Mr. Myers recommended that this contract be approved with a maximum of $8,000 to be expended. Priorities used in selecting this project were explained. Authority members discussed the proposed project and contract in detail. Mr. Anderson made a motion to table a decision on approval of the contract until the next Authority meeting. At that time Mr. Myers will present additional information as to price estimates for the complete project, including search and evaluation and photogrammetry. Seconded by Mr. Barr. Motion carried.
4. County Surveyors.
Mr. Myers reported that questionaire cards had been sent to all county clerks requesting the names of county surveyors, and also if the surveyor was registered. To date, 96 replies have been received. Names of counties with non-registered county surveyors will be forwarded to the Missouri Association of Registered Land Surveyors.
5. Legislation.
Mr. Myers asked Authority members for their opinion on submitting H.B. #1367 to the Legislature again. Authority members agreed that the Bill should be submitted. Mr. Barr will contact Representative Cliff Jones and request him to introduce the Bill.
Mr. Myers reported that revision of Chapter 60, sponsored by MARLS, has been returned by Legislative Research and is ready for introduction.
6. Standards.
Mr. Myers reported that he had not received many comments on the survey standards recently published in the Survey Bulletin. A suggestion to delay adoption of these standards until after the MARLS workshop in the spring of 1973 was not approved. It was the consensus of the Authority members that these standards should become effective January 1, 1973 as previously stated.
December 12th was tentatively set as the next Authority meeting date.
Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.
Transcribed by Steven E. Weible