Minutes of Minutes
October 20, 1972
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was held October 20, 1972 at the Land Survey Building, Rolla. Chairman Daniel Kennedy called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Present besides Chairman Kennedy were James Anderson, Richard Barr, Willard Eckhardt and Robert Myers.
Minutes of the September 21 meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
Use of the State telephone line was discussed.
The Trial Balance sheet for the month of October was reviewed.
Copies of the 1972-73 Supplemental Request and the 1973-74 Budget Request, as submitted to the Governor, were given to members of the Authority. The budget was reviewed briefly.
The possibility of the SLSA participating in a Federal Revenue Sharing project was discussed. The line item in the SLSA budget authorizing the SLSA to receive monies from Federal, State or other sources was reviewed. Mr. Myers stated that Mr. Yarrington, budget analyst, planned to remove this line from the budget since no definite sum had been designated. It was Mr. Yarrington's opinion that if funds become available a trust fund could be established for these funds. It was the opinion of the Authority that Mr. Myers should confer with Mr. Yarrington further on this, and possibly designate an amount for this line item rather than have it deleted.
Chairman Kennedy advised the members that thought should be given to the future housing of the SLSA, and a goal set for either a new building or renovation of the present quarters to fulfill the needs of the SLSA. It was the consensus of the Authority that the possibility of a new building in the near future seemed remote; however, it was agreed that all plans should not be abandoned.
Mr. Myers reported on the following projects and proposed projects:
1) Request from Mr. J. T. Powell concerning a survey dispute in T. 41 N., R. 16 W., Miller County. Mr. Myers stated he had met with Mr. Powell, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Slagle, Morgan County Surveyor, on separate occasions. He reviewed the problems encountered in the area in detail for the Authority and stated that the SLSA had received requests from Mr. Powell and Mr. Miller for assistance. The Authority agreed that additional measurements and research were needed before making a decision on SLSA participation.
Mr. Barr made a motion that the SLSA lease or rent short range EDM equipment to obtain these measurements. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried.
Mr. Barr made a motion that Mr. Myers do further research to obtain the necessary information and return to the Authority for a decision. This research would entail the following: 1) Engage C. Dexter Slagle, Jr., Morgan County Surveyor, for one day to obtain necessary field notes and information, and 2) make arrangements for rent or lease of short range EDM equipment to make remeasurements of lines. Maximum expenditure is limited to $700. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried.
2) Clay County - Smithville Dam.
A request for a survey project in the area of the proposed Smithville Dam received from Mr. Harvey Evans, Clay County Surveyor, was reviewed. It was agreed that the proposed project should be considered. Mr. Myers will obtain additional information related to the project and present it to the Authority for a decision.
3) Mr. Myers stated that the EDM base line in the Odessa-Bates City area has been completed, distances computed, and he is now waiting for final distance confirmation from NGS at Rockville.
4) Pattonsburg.
Mr. Myers reviewed the survey lines run in the Pattonsburg project and reported that the closures were within second order standards. Cost figures were approximately $70 for each point obtained and $183 for each mile of traverse run. Mr. Myers reported that he should have the final figures by next meeting.
5) Greater Kansas City.
Mr. Myers reported on the National Geodetic Survey project in the Kansas City area. NGS occupied eight stations and performed a first order astronomic observation at one station. SLSA personnel made a tie into Independence control system. SLSA personnel also established two monuments in the Liberty area for future extension of the system by that city.
Mr. Myers reported he had spoken to the Farm and Land Brokers meeting in Rolla on October 6th and had been well received. He also reported on attending the annual meeting of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping at Columbus, Ohio, October 11-13.
Mr. Kennedy reported on his trip to Oklahoma City to talk to the Oklahoma Association of Land Surveyors. He noted that there was keen interest in the progress of the SLSA.
Mr. Barr stated that as MARLS program chairman, his plans were for MARLS to sponsor a 1-day seminar, possibly using UMR facilities, in the spring of 1973. He requested that the SLSA assist with this seminar.
Mr. Myers showed several slides taken on SLSA projects that were of interest to the Authority.
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday, November 15.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Transcribed by Steven E. Weible