State Land Survey Authority
December 13, 1973
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was held December 15, 1973 at the State Highway Patrol Academy building, Jefferson City, Missouri. The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by Chairman Daniel Kennedy, with James Anderson, Richard Barr, Willard Eckhardt, Larry Fellows and Robert Myers present.
The minutes of the November 15th meeting were reviewed. Paragraph 6, sentence 2, was revised to read, "All members, with Dr. Fellows abstaining, agreed..." Minutes approved as revised.
A draft for revision of Paragraph 16.060 - Overtime--Compensatory Leave of the State Land Survey Authority Rules and Regulations was presented for approval. It was agreed that Line 2, Paragraph 2, be deleted from the draft. Dean Eckhardt made a motion that the draft be approved as revised. Seconded by Mr. Barr. Motion carried.
The financial summary for November was noted.
A bid for public liability insurance from Bumdiek [sp?] Insurance Agency, Carthage, was presented for review and recommendation. Approval was given to commit funds for this insurance.
Mr. Myers submitted a proposed schedule of charges for documents distributed by the State Land Survey Authority. The new schedule is based on cost of materials and cost of search for documents. Motion made by Mr. Barr, seconded by Dr. Fellows that the price schedule be approved. Motion carried.
Third quarter budget requests were approved as follows:
Personal Services $33,160.38
Operations 33,701.00
Equipment Purchase & Repair 29,262.50
Mr. Myers requested approval to attend a meeting in West Lafayette, Kentucky, January 31, and the Minnesota Land Surveyor's Association meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 21-23. Mr. Myers will speak at both meetings and all expenses except transportation will be paid by the two host organizations. Request approved.
Approval was requested for Jack McDermott and James Matlock to attend a microfilm conference in Houston, Texas, January 15-18. Approximate cost of the trip will be $321 per person. Request approved.
Attendance by Jack McDermott at the National Microfilm Meeting in Boston was not approved.
Mr. Myers reported that communications concerning the Capital Improvements had greatly improved. The S.L.S.A. has received a copy of the contract and priorities have been changed following the November 15th meeting.
Mr. Myers reported that budget figures as recommended by the Governor had been received by phone from Mr. Steve Gurwell, Budget Analyst. A S.L.S.A. budget of $260,935 has been recommended by the Governor for Fiscal year 1975. A request for $347,814 had been submitted. The four additional personnel requested were deleted along with the workload increase resulting form the added personnel. A total of $10,000 was recommended for purchase and repair of equipment for Fiscal Year 1975.
Adjourned for lunch.
Mr. Myers reviewed the proposed 1975 budget and items he planned to bring to the attention of the House Appropriation Committee during his appearance at 3:30 p.m. following the meeting of the S.L.S.A. Additional suggestions were offered by S.L.S.A. members.
Mr. Myers presented a map detailing a proposed demonstration project in the City of Liberty, Missouri. Approval was given for Mr. Myers to proceed with a detailed proposal. Tentatively, 10 stations in Liberty would be occupied at an approximate cost of $400 each. It was the consensus of opinion that the City of Liberty should contribute $2,000 or approximately half of the cost. The S.L.S.A.'s share would include S.L.S.A. personnel time and expenses, plus additional funds if necessary.
The next meeting of the Authority will be December 21 at Fort Leonard Wood at 6:00 p.m. Capital improvement plans will be reviewed at this meeting.
Possible solutions to the fuel shortage were discussed in the event UMR is unable to provide the necessary fuel to heat the S.L.S.A. building.
The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. Mr. Myers, Dean Eckhardt, and Mr. Kennedy met with the Deputy State Auditor immediately following adjournment of the meeting.
transcribed by Steven E. Weible