Minutes of Meeting
February 7, 1974
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was called to order at 9:10 a.m. at the Land Survey Authority Building, Rolla, Missouri, by Chairman Daniel Kennedy. Others present were James Anderson, Richard Barr, Willard Eckhardt, Larry Fellows and Robert Myers.
Minutes of the December 13th meeting were reviewed and approved with minor changes.
Mr. Kennedy gave a brief report on the meeting of Messrs. Eckhardt, Myers and himself with the Deputy State Auditor. It was agreed that the meeting had been very useful. Mr. Kennedy stated that a report should be prepared by Messrs. Eckhardt, Kennedy and Myers for the file.
Mr. Myers reported on the status of equipment being purchased.
a) T-2 - requisition has been submitted.
b) Microfilm camera to be delivered in 7 to 10 days.
c) Processor to be delivered within 30 days.
d) Bid for 4-wheel drive vehicle to be let on this date.
The financial summary for January was noted.
Mr. Myers reviewed the context of the recently adopted Reorganization Bill as it pertains to the State Land Survey Authority. He reported that as of this date no communication had been received concerning the reorganization. Mr. Kennedy suggested that a recommended plan of operation for the SLSA should be formulated and presented to the new controlling officials when reorganization is a reality; also that a record of accomplishment should be prepared by the Authority prior to being abolished.
Mr. Myers reviewed the proposed Capital Improvement schedule for FY-74. The following work is planned: Tuckpoint and waterproof outside of main building; patch plaster inside walls throughout building; prime and paint inside walls, windows, doors, etc.; rebuild electrical fuse boxes and replace hazardous wires; convert Rooms G-3 and G-4 into office space; and replace outside building doors and jambs.
Mr. Myers reported that at present nine students are employed part time indexing records. Eight of the students work approximately 10 hours per week and one student is presently working 35-40 hours per week while waiting for his school term to resume.
It was agreed that the camera room should be adequately screened with temporary panel partitions rather than curtained off. It was the opinion of the Authority that this would be the most economical method at present.
Mr. Myers reported the Governor's recommendation for FY-75 budget as follows:
Personal Service $138,855
Equipment Purchase & Repair 10,000
Operations 100,405
Federal and Other Sources 11,675
TOTAL.......... $260,935
Capital Improvements $12,800
It was the consensus of the Authority that a letter should be sent to the Governor to again call attention to the urgent need for a land survey vault. It was agreed that Mr. Myers should write the letter to be signed by the Authority members.
Mr. Myers requested approval of funds for participation of two Survey technicians in an ICS surveying course. Registration fee is $75 each and cost per course unit is $10. Fourteen units are available. Maximum cost would be $430 for the two employees. Each employee must make satisfactory progress in the course or the SLSA State Land Surveyor can terminate the employee's participation. Motion made by James Anderson, seconded by Richard Barr, that this course be made available to the two SLSA survey technicians. Motion carried.
State Land Survey Authority policy concerning reimbursement for personnel subpoened [sic] to appear in court as expert witnesses was discussed. Mr. Myers will contact Mr. Loren Wood, Assistant Attorney General, for advisement of handling any possible fees received.
Approval for attendance at the following meetings was requested: Robert Myers to attend meeting of Kentucky Section of ACSM on January 31, and the Iowa registered land surveyor's meeting in April; Daniel Kennedy to attend meeting of registered land surveyors in Alabama, February 26, and the Arkansas Association of Registered Land Surveyors meeting in Little Rock, April 19th. Part of expenses will be paid by the requesting organizations. Motion made by Willard Eckhardt, seconded by Richard Barr that attendance at the above meetings be approved.
Mr. Jack McDermott, Chief of Repository, reported on his recent attendance at the Annual Microfilm meeting at Houston, Texas. James Matlock also attended the meeting. Mr. McDermott reported that microfilming of all recorded surveys in Franklin, Montgomery, Pulaski and Phelps Counties has been completed. A majority of the records in eleven additional counties have been filmed.
Mr. Norman Brown, Chief of Surveys, reported on the following survey projects in progress:
1) Pattonsburg
2) Iron Co.
3) Carter Co. (Ozark Scenic Riverways)
4) Smithville
5) City of Liberty
The next meeting of the SLSA is tentatively scheduled for March 7th.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
transcribed by Steven E. Weible