Tuesday, July 9, 2013

March 11, 1971 Missouri State Land Survey Authority Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting
State Land Survey Authority
March 11, 1971

     The State Land Survey Authority met March 11, 1971, at the Missouri Geological Survey building in Rolla.  Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. with the following present:  Members Eckhardt, Barr, Anderson, and Hayes, and Planning Coordinator Jacobs.

     Mr. Jacobs submitted the current financial status of available funds.

     Status of the Highway Patrol Academy for use by the State Land Survey Authority was discussed.  Jacobs had suggested approximately 12,000 sq. ft. of floor space as requirement for the next 6 or 7 years.  Refurbishing of part of the basement for record storage should provide adequate facilities for the next several years.

     Discussion was held on format of newsletter, bulletin, or letter of information as recommended by the Authority.  Agreement was attained that it should be informative, with short notes of interest and the first issue possibly a multilithed or mimeographed issue of two pages.

     The Authority then went into executive session and approved unanimously to request Mr. Jacobs to work three-fourths time for the fourth quarter (April, May, and June) at three-fourths salary of $750 per month.  Mr. Eckhardt left the meeting.

     Meeting recessed for lunch, and met at the Highway Patrol Academy with Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Joe Wollard, Business Manager of UMR.  A physical inspection of possible use of space was made of the premises and working arrangements were tentatively agreed to for use of the building by both the Authority and UMR.

     The Authority reconvened in executive session at 2:30 and interviewed Col. V. T. Loesing for the position of State Land Surveyor.

     Chairman Kennedy reported that Mr. Kurt Bauer had declined the offer made to him by the Authority following the Authority meeting on January 29, 1971.  Applications from all candidates were reviewed and discussed.  It was unanimously agreed by Kennedy, Hayes, Barr, and Anderson, and with Eckhardt's prior verbal approval (Mr. Myers having been previously considered on January 29, 1971, when Mr. Eckhardt was present) that the Authority offer to Mr. Robert E. Myers the position of State Land Surveyor at an annual salary of $15,000.00.  Mr. Barr will contact Mr. Myers as to the date he would be able to accept the position.

     The Authority notified Mr. Jacobs of their decision, after which the meeting adjourned.

{signed} William C. Hayes
         Temporary Secretary

Transcribed by Steven E. Weible