It is shown by records of the County that Francis Moreau owned the whole of the SW quarter of block No. 9 and that it was sold at different times in separate portions. Nicholas Mayot purchased of one Bossier under Francis Moreau 45 feet english measure fronting on Little rock Street and running back eastwardly to John B. Vallé's lot, bounded Northwardly by the lots of Vallé's and Laplante's lots and Southwardly by the balance of the lot as possessed.
There was sold to Pascal Dechmendy 50 feet fronting on 2nd Street and running back Northward to Mayot's lot, bounded eastward by Vallé's lot and westward by the balance of the lot of Francis Moreau. I therefore survey these three lots (which compose the SW quarter of the block) according to the record, and in order to do so shall resurvey, the lot of Francis Moreau's legal representatives (Survey No. 157). [see page 239, sub-booklet page 91]

Transcriber's note: the following description of Survey 359 is transcribed from the field notes of Joseph C. Brown, recorded on pages 240-242 (sub-booklet pages 92-94) in Volume 63 of Missouri Private Surveys.
Vacant lot
The balance of the lot formerly owned by Francis Moreau was not claimed before the record [Recorder] by Dechmendy to whom it was sold. It was, as I was informed, mortgaged to the State of Missouri to secure the payment of a sum of loan office money borrowed of the State; as to this I did not deem it necessary to examine the record.
I survey it as follows
Begin at the SW corner stone of Survey No. 158
thence N 4 1/2 W 127 feet 0 inches
along the western boundary of Survey No. 158, the NE corner of this lot and S.E. corner of the lot of Francis Moreau's legal reps at corner of the enclosure of both lots - See page 90 [page 238] - where the setting of a stone is obstructed by the enclosures.
thence S 80 W 50 feet 0 inches
along the S.E. boundary of said lot described on page 90 [Survey No. 349] to the place of NW corner of this lot and NE corner of Francis Moreau's lot described on pages 91 & 92 [pages 239-240, Survey No. 157].
thence S 4 1/2 E 125 feet 0 inches
along the eastern boundary of said lot described on page 91 [page 239, Survey No. 157] the western boundary of this lot [to] a lime Stone for SE corner of said lot described on page 91 [page 239, Survey No. 157] and SW corner of this lot.
thence N 81 1/4 E 50 feet 0 inches
along the NW edge of 2nd Street the beginning S.E. corner of this lot.
Monday evening Jany [January] 18th 1847
Transcriber's note:
Little Rock Street is now South 2nd Street
2nd Street is now Market Street
transcribed by Steven E. Weible