Minutes of Meeting
April 4, 1974
The meeting of the State Land Survey Authority was called to order at the State Land Survey Building by Chairman Daniel Kennedy at 9:00 a.m., April 4, 1974. Others present were Messrs. Richard Barr, Willard Eckhardt, Larry Fellows and Robert Myers. Mr. James Anderson joined the group at 10:30.
The minutes of the meeting of March 7 were reviewed. Corrections were made as follows:
Page 2, line 2 - word "State" changed to "Natural Resource"
Page 2, line 11 - word "partisan" changed to "partisanship"
Page 4, line 13, words "section corners" changed to "sections"
Minutes approved as corrected.
The financial summary for the month of March was noted.
The following expenditures for the fourth quarter were presented for approval:
Personal Services - $33,833.57
Expenditure approved.
Equipment Purchase & Repair - $1,741.00
Motion made by Dean Eckhardt, seconded by Richard Barr, that any necessary expenditures in Equipment Purchase & Repair could be made by the State Land Surveyor without further approval by the Authority. Motion carried.
Operations - $27,914.50
Mr. Myers suggested two programs to be considered for funding during the remainder of FY 74: 1) Extension of the pilot project in Iron County to monument corners, and 2) a control search co-op program in St. Louis County.
Motion made by Dean Eckhardt, seconded by Richard Barr, that Mr. Myers be given authority to expend remaining Operations funds without further approval, with consideration given to a control search program in the St. Louis area. Motion carried.
Mr. Myers stated that he was looking into the possibility of expending money from either the Equipment Purchase & Repair or Operations appropriation for repair of the driveway and parking lot at the SLSA building. Repairs could be made for approximately $1,000. The Division of Design and Construction will explore the feasibility of this repair work and notify Mr. Myers. Ample funds are available for this work.
Mr. Myers reported that Mr. Joe Cassidy and Mr. James Schulen from the Division of Design and Construction; Mr. Hodge, architect; Mr. Heagler, engineer; and prospective bidders on the Capital Improvement project had met at the SLSA building on April 3. He stated that work specifications were very nebulous and bidders lacked interest in the project. Bids will be let April 11.
Mr. Myers reported that at the 1975 Capital Improvement hearing he expressed the opinion that the SLSA was unhappy with the elimination of the records vault, but stressed the point that it be included in the 5-year Capital Improvement plan. The Capital Improvement appropriation includes completion of roof repair, replacement of heating system and repair of driveway.
Mr. Myers stated that to date the 1975 appropriation for the regular budgets had all been lumped together and included in the appropriation for the Department of Natural Resources and the total budget cut by $260,000. This has not yet been passed by the Senate.
Mr. Myers reported that Mrs. Rose Stough has resigned and Mrs. Dorothy Thompson hired to fill the clerk typist position.
Mr. Myers stated that the Public Service Commission investigator had requested space in the SLSA building. It was agreed that action would be deferred until the Director of Natural Resources Department has been named.
Mr. Myers requested authority to change the title of Arthur Jacobs from Chief, Administrative Services, to Surveyor. It was the opinion of the Authority that the title of Surveyor was more appropriate for the duties now being performed by Mr. Jacobs, and it was agreed that the change in title should be made.
The Agency Plan and Recommendations prepared by Mr. Myers at the request of Mr. Al Kemp were reviewed. Several changes in content were recommended. A copy of this Plan and Recommendations will be forwarded to Mr. Kemp when the approved changes have been made.
Adjourned for lunch.
Mr. Myers reported on the status of the following projects:
Microfilming - counties in the area of Truman Reservoir are being given high priority. Mr. McDermott presented a completed index of records to the Phelps County recorder on March 29th, and will present a completed index to the Montgomery County recorder on April 5.
Corner Restoration - Carter County contract has been approved. Mr. Brown is working in Iron County on corner restoration project. The U.S. Forest Service has found a number of corners and coordinate values are being established. Mr. Wethington is working on the Liberty project monumenting main stations.
Mr. Myers stated that the city of Springfield had contacted him concerning a possible control extension project. He will look into the possibility of this project in the near future. Mr. Myers will also look into a possible vertical control project in St. Louis.
The next meeting date is tentatively May 16, 1974.
Meeting adjourned.
transcribed by Steven E. Weible